Nathan Kirk
I am a software engineer and data analyst who is eager to learn and grow as I start my
Check out my senior project here!
I am a software engineer and data analyst who is eager to learn and grow as I start my
Check out my senior project here!
GPA: 3.8
Relevant Coursework: Introduction to Web Development, Introduction to Machine Learning, Database Design, Artificial Intelligence, Community Action Computing, Calculus I & II, Intro to Business Analytics, Applied Management Science
Truth meaning all truth, not small t truths of the day-to-day, but big political, ethical, and theological truths. It is not always apparent, which is why it must be sought out. Truth is illuminating, guiding, and freeing. When it is found, it should be shared. When it is hidden, it wounds the victim and the perpetrator.
Discipline means getting the project done on time, even when you have to stay up late. It is not short-lived. Discipline must be consistent and perpetual. I take rest as seriously as I take my work. Disciplined that is not sustainable ends in burnout, rightly ordered, it ends in flourishing.
Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching and no one will ever know. It is genuine, pure, and uplifting. Living with integrity rests on the other two values, the true way to live must be discovered and chosen consistently to create a life filled with integrity.
When I am not on my computer, I enjoy being outdoors and being active. I lift weights 3-4 times a week and play Ultimate Frisbee. I also love the occasional hike or mountain bike ride.
When it is cold outside, I read theology and political books. A recent favorite of mine is Shrewd Samaritan by Bruce Wydick. I'm also an experience guitarist and have been playing for over a decade.